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Sinhala Unicode

Madushanka Perera
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1.6 k downloads

Effortless Sinhala typing on Android via real-time English transliteration

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Sinhala Unicode is an innovative typing tool designed to allow users to effortlessly type in Sinhala using their Android devices. Primary among its functions, it enables users to compose messages, social media statuses, emails, and other written content in Sinhala with the convenience of an English keyboard. This seamless process occurs through an adept transliteration feature that converts English letters into Sinhala script in real-time, even when the user is offline.

The straightforward interface of the tool mirrors the simplicity of typing an SMS, which significantly eases the learning curve for new users. Once you've entered your text, you're able to directly share your creations through a variety of channels including popular social networks like Facebook, instant messaging platforms, and even across email or Bluetooth connections. Moreover, communication is further simplified as the software allows you to message friends directly, provided that your device supports the functionality.

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One standout benefit of the transliteration tool is its comprehensive compatibility. Thoughtfully designed to work on both Android smartphones and tablets, the application accommodates user preference in screen orientation, supporting both landscape and portrait modes, ensuring a comfortable typing experience for every user.

However, be aware that certain phrase combinations may not render correctly on Android devices. Despite this, once the text is shared or posted, it will display accurately on web browsers and within various apps, like the native Facebook application. Overall, the software emerges as a robust solution for anyone needing to type in Sinhala without the hassle of navigating through a complex language keyboard.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Madushanka Perera.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 10 or higher required

Information about Sinhala Unicode 2.0

Package Name com.madushanka.sinhalaunicodewriter
License Free
Op. System Android
Category General
Language English
Author Madushanka Perera
Downloads 1,620
Date Jul 22, 2016
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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